SDG Innovation Hackathon
The SDG Innovation Hackathon is built upon the concept and academic framework of "The SDG Open Hack". It is a part of the SDG 2030 goals initiative and welcome participation from secondary school students worldwide. The hackathon is taught and supported by Tsinghua University X-lab. The event revolves around the theme of "community innovation" and encourages students to generate innovative ideas and formulate plans aligned with the 2030 sustainable development goals. Participants are encouraged to approach these goals from various areas, including business, technology, humanity, and art. Additionally, the event aims to showcase students' comprehensive abilities, teamwork, and social responsibility.

Past Results
「SDG Innovation Hackathon」2024
Hong Kong Representative Team
King's College - King
Award –
Best SDG Team
Best Presentation Award
Most Innovative Award
Macau RepresentativeTeam
Pui Ching Middle School – 邦邦小分队
Award –
Pui Ching Middle School – 澳門人格
Award –
Poster Design Award
Judges’ Choice Award
Best Presentation Award
Most Innovative Award
High Distinction
Project Flowchart